Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gilbert's Ouisconsin Sausage

We were a bit short on time last night for cooking, partially due to the fact that we had no power for 5 hours yesterday.  We are really unlucky when it comes to power these days. That was the third time in a month we have been without power due to weather related issues.  Thankfully the outage was short this time, because the temperature was quickly rising in our house with it being so hot outside.  As a result of the time crunch we completely forgot to “foodograph” our meal, sorry folks.

Macaroni Salad with a Twist

My husband has been talking about this sausage from Costco that he heard about called Gilbert’s Sausages.  I made the trek over to Costco last Saturday; surprisingly it wasn’t as big of a zoo as it normally is on the weekend.  Chris was quite excited when I informed him they had the sausage in stock; however our Costco only had the Ouisconsin.  There are three other kinds available: The Shebeegan - Beer Bratwurst, The Froman - Uncured Beef Franks and The Catalana –Smoked Sausage made with Pork, Mozzarella Cheese, Chipotle Peppers and Lime.  I wish they sold a variety pack, hopefully on the next trip they will have the Catalana.

I think it’s absolutely hysterical that they named their hot dog, “the Froman” and have a crown on the packaging.  I can only assume they are referencing Abe Froman, the sausage king of Chicago, from the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day off.

 I did find out that you can order the sausage on-line and there are other stores outside of Costco that carry their product.  You can locate a store near you on their website,  Not only was the sausage delicious, I enjoy the fact that each sausage comes individually wrapped so you don’t have to worry about opening an entire package and having to freeze what you don’t use.

We garnished our Ouisconsin with grilled onions and Dijon mustard.

As far as the macaroni salad goes, it’s another quick and easy side dish.  I remember growing up, on hot days like yesterday my mom would always make dishes that were light or something that didn’t require an oven.  The hot weather reminded me of the macaroni salad she would often make with one of these meals.  I had some orzo pasta made from the other night so I decided to use up those noodles which was my “twist.”  Normally I would make this salad with macaroni noodles, but really you could use any pasta noodle.  The ingredients are very simple:

Cooked pasta noodles, drained and cooled
Chopped Celery
Chopped white onion
Grated Carrot
Salt and Pepper
I added another twist, a couple dashes of Old Bay Seasoning
Mix all ingredients above in a bowl and serve cold.

This meal was rated 4 asparagus spears

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